We got back from Texas last week. Just in time by the looks of things as there has been huge amounts of rain and serious flooding in areas we have just visited. It was also a fairly dry fortnight as the majority of diners and burger joints don't sell beer in Texas. The upshot is I lost 2 kg in weight. Maybe it was the serious humidity as well.
Anyway, I'm now sifting through 3000 or so images. Its looking good for about 200 nice presentation shots and around ten competition standard images. I notice that the tour guide brochures now include a statement saying "Photo Opportunities: Moderate to good". I can say that Texas was very good, especially the waders and marsh birds.
In summary, we saw a shade under 200 species, had 30 ticks, travelled 2070 miles in 16 days, stopped twice by US border control bods, had about 200 mossie bites, caught heat rash, one minor disagreement with the Mrs over access to a Tropical Parula site, lost 2kgs in weight and wasted one night on South Padre Island. All in all, a pretty successful trip.
A small part of a flock of mixed terns, skimmers and gulls. |