This reserve is unlike any I 've been to. With an eight mile drive round the perimeter, this place needs time. In overcast and extremely humid conditions, we spent all day here. We were not disappointed either. Savannah Sparrows were common and we had a brief view of Seaside Sparrow too. However, waders and duck are the main attraction. We had decent scope views of good numbers of Western Sandpiper, Semi-palmated Sandpiper, Least Sandpiper, 80 Greater Yellowlegs and a couple Short-billed Dowitchers. Three Caspian Terns and one Black Skimmer roosted with a couple hundred Forster's Terns. Tricoloured Heron put in a brief appearance along with three Black-crowned Night Herons. Several Northern Harriers patrolled the saltmarsh. At mile 7, where the habitat changed to mixed woodland, we stumbled across a roving party of 25 Eastern Bluebirds, including some stunning adult males.
Adult and juv Eastern Bluebird, part of a flock of 25 |
Juv Black-crowned Night Heron |
Great Blue Heron |
We returned to Cape May State Park in the evening to get the last light. Yellow-rumped Warblers had increased in numbers to about ten and I also found an Orange-crowned warbler, the second for the trip. The weather was still humid but due for a change tomorrow. This should bring some new movements.
Orange-crowned Warbler |
Once again, a superb selection of posts from the roving birder, see you soon.