Today has seen a big turnaround in fortunes. The wind has changed to north westerly and the result is a visible migration on an industrial scale. Raptors are very notable in 210 Osprey, 18 Bald Eagles, 385 Sharp-shinned Hawks, 81 Cooper's Hawks, 452 Am Kestrels, 114 Merlins and 34 Northern Harriers!
More Info here
Passerines have been moving through is vast numbers. The commonest warbler was Blackpoll followed by Palm Warbler. At Higbee Dyke, an incredible estimate of up to
4,000 Blackpolls passed overhead! Flocks of Palm Warbler in scores swept through the bushes and trees on a scale I have never seen before. I also saw the following passerines in numbers: Black-throated Blue, Nashville, Tennessee, Yellow-rumped, Magnolia, Prairie, Connecticut and Wilson's Warbler. Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Scarlet Tanagers, Nothern Flickers, Sapsucker, Blue Jays passed overhead in scores. Words struggle to explain the enormity of the movement today. I'm reliably informed by locals that this event only happens occasionally. The best update and more detail can be read on this blog by local birder
Common Yellowthroat |
Palm Warbler |
Black and White Warbler |
Black-throated Blue Warbler |
Ad male Prairie Warbler |
Keep 'em coming Steve.