Pectoral Sandpipers have arrived this Autumn in good numbers already. Quite conceivably, at least nine individuals have already reached Cornwall. The first was an adult at St Clement, then Walmsley and then Carnsew Pool, which I photographed on Aug 9th. Adults are unusual in Cornwall so the theory is that this bird is probably the same roaming individual. A flock of three first year birds were found on Hayle Estuary on Aug 28th reducing to one on Aug 31st. Two more juvs appeared at the eastern end of Copperhouse on Sep 6th-8th, reducing to one Sep 9th. Two more appeared at Walmsley Sanctuary Sep 7th. A small, runt-like juvenile appeared for one day at Davidstow airfield, Sep 3rd.
All in all, things are warming up just nicely with a supporting cast of Bairds Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs and a stunning adult Buff-breasted Sandpiper already...bring it on.
Juv Pectoral Sandpiper, Copperhouse Creek |
Juv Pectoral Sandpiper, Copperhouse Creek, Sunday Sep 9th. (Compare differing plumage to adult below). |
Adult Pectoral Sandpiper, Carnsew, August 9th |