The flight shot below was taken with a higher than normal ISO of 800 and a high aperture of F/6.7 with the intention of raising the shutter speed. The Exif detail gave a reading of 1/2500s, which has caught this Little Egret in good focus. I was particularly happy with the capture of the water drops dripping from its' feet.
The egret below is a different bird to that above and was taken in different light this afternoon. The light was appalling and disappointing as I wanted better light for the target bird, which was a Spoonbill. The ISO was 800 but I opened up the aperture to its' F/4 maximum, just to get the all-important shutter speed up. The best I could get was 1/640s. Exposure was 0.0EV though I have reduced this in Capture NX software.

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