A warm Spring day filled both the Tower Hide and mini hide with birders today at this stunning CBWPS reserve. Following a bitterly cold Saturday, today was the opposite. And the birders present could not have been disappointed. A pair of Merlins, 30 Black-tailed Godwit, several Little Egrets, Water Rail, Snipe, Barn Owl, Shovelers, Gadwalls, Teals, Pochard, migrant Swallows and Sand Martins and aggressive swans and geese all added to the entertainment. Below are a selection of shots taken today.
Excellent shots Steve, especially like the Heron and the Black-tailed Godwits.
I stumbled on your blog completely by accident - I've only rcently taken up serious wildlife photography and have got myself hooked. Been following your blog for a weeks and just wanted to let you know I've been enjoying your images - so many stunners on here and I think I've got the birding bug as well now. Might see you out and about in Cornwall. Especially love your various raptors - and the barn owl in the wild is wonderful.